For more information contact City of Las Cruces (575) 528-3477
Housing 2019-07-10T18:28:34+00:00


Las Cruces offers a variety of home styles catering to different taste levels and needs, with prices ranging from the mid $100s. No matter your budget and pet peeves, you are sure to find something appropriate in Las Cruces. There are existing homes on the market, or you can choose to have your home custom built. This city has turned into an exciting and beautiful place that many people love to call home. From parks to restaurants and great entertainment, it has everything you will ever need.

If you are looking for a realtor, contact the Las Cruces Association of Realtors at Las Cruces Association of Realtors

If you are interested in building a home, contact the Las Cruces Home Builders Association at Las Cruces Home Builders Association  

The state of New Mexico provides several programs for new and residents who are first-time buyers helping with the down payment and closing costs, also with different federal options available. To learn more about First Time Home Buying Programs, click here

Property Taxes

New Mexico communities have some of the lowest property taxes in the country!

How property taxes are calculated:
• Assessed value is discounted by 67% prior to application of tax rates.
• Tax rates have maintained fairly steady for the last 5 years.

$190,000 x 0.33 = $67,200 assessed value
Assessed value x tax rate (0.028743) = $1,931.53 annual property taxes

Mortgage Programs

First Home Program

The Mortgage Finance Authority’s First Home Program offers a first mortgage loan with a competitive interest rate to first-time homebuyers.  First-time homebuyers are individuals who have not owned and occupied a home as their primary residence in the past three years. Benefits can include lower down payments, lower monthly mortgage payments, affordable fixed rates, and more.


Next Home Program

The Mortgage Finance Authority’s Next Home Program provides non-first time homebuyers with the opportunity to purchase their next home.  Next Home is also available for first-time homebuyers if it best suits their needs.


Mortgage  Lenders


Mortgage Calculators

The Mortgage Finance Authority maintains several mortgage calculators that can help homebuyers understand the type of home they can purchase relative to varying mortgage options, such as an FHA loan or a conventional loan.


Find a Realtor

Las Cruces Association of Realtors is made of licensed real estate agents with experience in selling homes throughout the Las Cruces region.


Find a Realtor by Company (Not a comprehensive list)

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